Monday, 9 August 2010

Introspective evening

The last days have been quite meditative for me, and I wanted to share with you just a little thing I've noticed about people (in fact, about me, but I don't think it is a rare phenomenon) - we see so clearly what others should do, how others should act and behave, but when we're involved, everything gets much more confusing.

I think we're afraid of realizing we're not as good as we like to think we are. We want to keep that mask of perfection and are afraid of taking a deep, closer look, that would show off its numerous flaws. It is the easiest thing to do - at least at that moment - but it's not the best option. Reality doesn't leave just because we look away and not wanting to face it only makes things worse - you have to know what you are if you want to get any better.


1 comment:

  1. We are all afraid of facing reality as it really is. We are all afraid to face what we are, we don't want to be ourselves...But...Each and every one of us is special at his/her own kind, so, no fear at all. Came here and face me so I can face you and myself. Good blog darling
