I've been cleaning and re-organizing my bedroom all day, which was kind of a long, complicated task. Well, I've survived the day and only need to tidy up a part of my wardrobe. The worst part, obviously...
If you knew how much trash I had in this bedroom! Old diaries, little awful boxes, disgusting clothes, ridiculous books... It is my bedroom! How can I survive surrounded by such garbage piled up in my own bedroom!! This is the place where I sleep, listen to music, often study, sometimes eat... I live here! Have my computer here. Have all I need right here. I just needed a fridge to survive without ever leaving this place :D
I hate to admit it, but I am NOT an organized person... No organized person could ever need A DAY to get some space for her new binders!
But... all of that is the past! Now the room is clean and organized, and it is adorable to look at free spaces on the shelves, desk and whatever. My next task is to remove my 30 Seconds to Mars posters (which are literally falling off the walls) and replace them by something pretty. 30STM related or not. I'm not sure yet.
(the chaotic) millou
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