Friday, 17 April 2009

About to go to a birthday dinner

Hello, hello!
I'm happy (what a contrast with my previous post...). I feel that I can almost belong to a group.
I was invited to a surprise birthday dinner with some of the girls of my class I like the most. I feel happy because, despite of being so different from all of them and not really social, they didn't care and invited me to go. I think it will be fun. I'll make an effort to find common conversation topics among us and try to socialize a bit. I'm not very experient in this, specially when I'm not dealling with my close friends, but I think I can do it...



  1. Sometimes we need to think like somebody else to be acepted in a diferent group xD
    Obrigada pelo comentario :)

  2. tambem nunca tive muito jeito para entrar em grupos novos xP sinto-me sempre um pouco diferente xD

  3. é isso que eu sinto também...
    nunca temos temas de conversa compatíveis. eu falo de blogs e histórias, e elas falam de sair à noite e das namoradas dos amigos...

  4. como eu sei o que isso é... xD
