Friday, 31 December 2010

2010 review

In the beginning of this year I had a feeling that it would be an amazing year. And it was. Not everything was perfect, of course, but I truly believe that those bad moments in time are even more important than the good ones, as we learn a lot from them.

So, let's start with all the negative stuff and leave the best for the end.
I've felt terribly this year.
I've lost a bit of my blind love for people as I've felt kind of (totally, in fact) betrayed.
I've lost important people I wish I could have kept in my life. 
I've been weak.
I've failed at preferring me and my interests over everyone else's.
I haven't trusted myself enough.
I definitely need to grow up and learn a lot...

I've felt so damn great this year!!
I've gone to a 3O SECONDS TO MARS concert alone!!
I've been (and still am) so happy about my marks in this new school year :D
I've told the right things to the right people a couple of times.
I've found a wonderful new home in the Algarve ;)
I've discovered the beauty of Muse songs.
I've lived unforgettable moments with people I love!
I've got much better at writing :D
I'm slowly learning how to be a calmer and more balanced person...

I'm not sure yet of what my feeling for 2011 is, but I hope it is, at least, as good as 2010. On one hand I'm kind of afraid that I'll fall off this state of happiness I'm in. That would be somewhat painful. On the other hand, I also know that I'll have better and worse moments in my life and, sometimes, there won't be much I can do to avoid that. I guess I'll just anxiously wait to see what's coming now.



  1. Thanks :D Happy New Year for you too!

  2. i met youuu :D (and now "mullou's" has a new follower and most important, a friend)

    RC (será hoje que crio um blog?)

  3. * "millou's"


  4. Welcome, new follower and friend :D

    Espero que cries o blog porque seria adorável (e muito, muito interessante) ter condensados numa página todos os teus pensamentos profundos e teorias sobre o mundo...
