Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Can we «cry» in a foreign language?

Today I'm exposing my inner self to the influences of my English book's texts and meditate a bit on something José Saramago (Portuguese Nobel Prize winner who died this Summer) said: that Portuguese people could do business in English, surf the net in English, watch movies in English, but that "we cry in Portuguese".

Is it really true? Isn't it possible to adopt something from the outside (not only a language but a belief, a teaching, anything) and make it 100% our own? Or is it impossible to change who we are at such a deep level?

Comments and suggestions are accepted. This time I'm looking for a debate, not a monologue.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's difficult to change our beliefs and attitudes (sometimes), when and especially, we spent a good part of our lives believing in them...
    As much as we want to integrate in a certain culture, some things in us will never change, because they are already part of us as " crying in portuguese"

  3. Yeah, I also think it is quite difficult to change some things that were always with us and, in the end, make us who we are. However, I believe that we can change the language we «cry» in, if something strong enough happens to us.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, my dear :D

  4. you welcome

    your always faithful

    kiky <3 :P

  5. Hi! i'am portuguese.. and I really understand what José Saramago meant. It's true.. it's something so deep, we can't even beguin to explain..

