Tuesday, 31 August 2010

On vacation

I've been coming and going from home to Algarve these last weeks at an amazing pace. Two, three days in Algarve and four, five days at home. It has been an insane month, but I'm glad it's that way. It can't be always the same during almost three months, right?
I stayed at a hotel with an amazing view - you can see it in the image above. It was a bit (a LOT) hot there, but we survived it. Air conditioners are lovely...
Now that I'm back to the cold, heartless city, I think I miss the Algarve. The heat is completely unnecessary, but there was a calm, peace, tranquility there that's hard to find here. It may be anything but a comfortable place - it's hot, dry and a little bit lifeless (ok, there are bugs, which isn't exactly a plus) - but it comforts me. I know, if I lived there I wouldn't say the same thing. That makes me jump to the conclusion - the best would be spending some peaceful days there, just as I've been doing these last weeks, with little breaks to come back to the city and its sophistication (which I know I would miss if I spent more than five days there at the countryside).

(the relaxed) millou

Friday, 27 August 2010

Love independece :)

I've heard several times lovely people saying the most absurd of all sentences - «I don't want to grow up».
Oh, you don't? You want to be a child forever, then?
To live with your parents forever, to obey, and, instead of shouting «I'm 18, I can do whatever I want!», to control your anger, because, even though you're 18, you're still a child?
To never feel you are auto-sufficient and can live alone in some place? Your place?
To have to tidy up your bedroom instead of leaving the bed exactly as it was when you woke up?
To never know you did it by yourself and feel proud about it? To never feel it as a reward of your own efforts?
To be always... comfortably spoiled?
To never feel... independent? And, most of all, to never love paying the price of independence, because you know what you're paying for and it looks kind of cheap?

Please don't tell me you don't want to grow up. PLEASE.
It can be insulting to some people (me included).


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

I finally admit I'm not organized!

I've been cleaning and re-organizing my bedroom all day, which was kind of a long, complicated task. Well, I've survived the day and only need to tidy up a part of my wardrobe. The worst part, obviously...
If you knew how much trash I had in this bedroom! Old diaries, little awful boxes, disgusting clothes, ridiculous books... It is my bedroom! How can I survive surrounded by such garbage piled up in my own bedroom!! This is the place where I sleep, listen to music, often study, sometimes eat... I live here! Have my computer here. Have all I need right here. I just needed a fridge to survive without ever leaving this place :D
I hate to admit it, but I am NOT an organized person... No organized person could ever need A DAY to get some space for her new binders!

But... all of that is the past! Now the room is clean and organized, and it is adorable to look at free spaces on the shelves, desk and whatever. My next task is to remove my 30 Seconds to Mars posters (which are literally falling off the walls) and replace them by something pretty. 30STM related or not. I'm not sure yet.

(the chaotic) millou

Monday, 9 August 2010

Introspective evening

The last days have been quite meditative for me, and I wanted to share with you just a little thing I've noticed about people (in fact, about me, but I don't think it is a rare phenomenon) - we see so clearly what others should do, how others should act and behave, but when we're involved, everything gets much more confusing.

I think we're afraid of realizing we're not as good as we like to think we are. We want to keep that mask of perfection and are afraid of taking a deep, closer look, that would show off its numerous flaws. It is the easiest thing to do - at least at that moment - but it's not the best option. Reality doesn't leave just because we look away and not wanting to face it only makes things worse - you have to know what you are if you want to get any better.


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

30 Seconds to Mars - Closer to the Edge

Hi there :D

I wanted to share with you a video that you have probably already seen - but I really have to mention it, because it is absolutely amazing. It is the video clip of Closer to the Edge, by 30 Seconds to Mars, my eternally beloved band :)
This song is from their last album, This is War, and has (like the whole album) an amazing, contagious power and energy.

Visit this web page for more info about 30STM :D

There you have: 30 Seconds to Mars - Closer to the Edge. Lyrics below. Enjoy!!

I remember one moment, I tried to forget
I lost myself, is it better not said
Now I'm closer to the edge

It was a thousand to one
And a million to two
Time to go down in flames and I'm taking you
Closer to the edge

No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again
No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again

Can you imagine a time when the truth ran free
The birth of a song and the death of a dream
Closer to the edge

This never ending story
Paid for with pride and fate
We all fall short of glory

No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again
No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again

I will never forget
I will never regret

No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again
No, I'm not saying I'm sorry
One day maybe we'll meet again

Closer to the edge
Closer to the edge

Closer to the edge

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Funerals and last words

Assuming we don't believe in after death life, we can say funerals don't really mean anything to the dead ones, only to the ones who still live and care for them. However, I suppose everyone has a wish about the future of their body after they're gone.
I've been listening to a song I've discovered via Twitter (a crap song, but who cares...?) that said something like "If I die young burn me at dawn and send me away with the words of a love song". I, as all teens, usually think of my death as an event taking place in dozens of years, and rarely think "If I died tomorrow, how would I spend this day?" or "What would my perfect funeral be like?".

So, if I die before I change my mind, here are my instructions:
Burn me and spread my ashes in the wind, at dawn, on a green meadow with no trees, and play Muse's Starlight REALLY loud. :D

That would be my definition of the perfect funeral.
About the way I would spend my last day... That's up to me to find out and put into practice. Those words that really have to be said to that special someone, that dream hunting you since your were old enough to think, that kind of stuff we all know and none (pardon, very few) of us really does while living.


P.S - No, I was NOT diagnosed with cancer. Don't worry :P