Saturday, 27 November 2010


Hello there.
I know there's no excuse for my absence; still, I must say I've been very busy with Portuguese tests, a fictional interview I must present the following Friday, a project we (my 5-person-group) are developing at school and even some writing. I was able to write more than 3 pages (I could never do that during all these Summer holidays) and I would be terribly proud if I hadn't stopped at the middle of the short story... I'm planning to go back to it this weekend and I hope I'm stronger than the wish of starting a new one. I hate this.
School stuff, however is perfect. I've only invested my efforts in this but, at least, I'm getting results. It's nice to feel in control of things.

I'll post something deeper and more interesting as soon as I get enough mental availability ;)


Thursday, 18 November 2010

Meditation night

(A post from July 4 I've discovered on a portuguese blog of mine and translated for you)

After an emotionally full day, I'm meditating this evening. The house is asleep (except for dad) and I press the keyboard carefully, in order not to break the sacred silence. It is the perfect scenario.

I've concluded that all of us (me, you and everyone else) are asleep, sitting, walking slowly, at an average rhythm or running wildly in our lives. Metaphorically, of course. I've also concluded (not now, some time ago) that I switch from sleeping to sitting. No hurries. No passions. Just dreams and ideals. Nothing more.

If you believe in life after death, then you'll live forever and you'll ask yourself: "Why to worry with the present if I have the whole infinity waiting for me?". The answer is quite obvious: the infinity is nothing more than a (infinite) sequence of presents. What keeps you from doing something right now, will probably keep you from doing something every second of that infinity.
If you, just as me, don't believe in such things, then it looks kind of obvious that, if you have a life, you can only live it at its fullest. Do what you love. Run for your passions. Kill for your dreams. Everything else will be a crime: against you, against what you are, against what you could be. The murder of a star, the destruction of a unique master piece - your real "me". Unforgivable.

You were born unique. Be unique. Shine the way only you can do, light up the darkness and guide yourself. Just be. The rest will come for itself.


P.S - A huge "Thank you" to Tomázia who convinced me that posting this was a good idea :D

Monday, 15 November 2010

Joie de vivre ;)

I'm so happy! 
I had a Maths test today and I'm quite optimistic about it, I have a new comment (thanks, Rita :D), I've found three amazing new songs (*), I've delivered inquiries at school for my Project (about how young people behave when they go out) and today I didn't rush out of home desperate not to miss the bus. I'm trying to make my mornings a bit more... peaceful. Running after the bus isn't exactly the best way to start your day - even though it never happened to me (in the morning, I mean...).

(*) These are the three amazing new songs (the last one has absolutely nothing to do with the other two):

Thursday, 11 November 2010

My most recent opinion about books

Is it just me or you also feel like you're not getting the most out of your life?
I feel like - and I've been told that a lot of times - I'm wasting my time on stupid things (like watching the same TV series for decades) and I miss the opportunity to do other things that would fulfill my spirit and my life, that would really amuse me or make me feel proud of myself - like reading.
I discovered today that it would be tremendously good for me to read much more - and during school time. I don't usually do that because I get addicted to books and stop studying at all, but I think it depends on the book - there are the softer ones, those that you like reading but don't involve you as much as, let's say, a crime story.
I think reading during school time is a great thing because:
  1. It is soooo funny to live your life normally and then find yourself relating some episode you witnessed to the book you're reading. You really get the feeling of having an inner life, thoughts that are only yours. It's really great and it happened to me today on a Biology class (I've just finished a book related to the subject we're studying - Genetics); 
  2. It is stupid that someone who aspires to be a writer (read: me) doesn't read as much as humanly possible. Books are the best source for ideas, techniques, everything that improves the style of writing, and it is truly ridiculous to forbid myself of reading during school time - and it gets even worse when I think I don't actually read that much on holidays.

I really should focus on what I want. Maybe reading more would help me with my chronic inability to finish every single story I start, who knows?


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Nice news :D

I presented a YouTube video today on my English class. It was good :D YEY!!

P.S - I know this is more of a Twitter thing than a Blogger thing but... I just had to share my enthusiasm with you :D

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Bad day...

Do you know those days during which every single thing about the Universe has the power to annoy you and irritate you to death? Every detail about your life, about the others, about the world in general is awfully unbearable and you just feel like screaming and yelling at everything and everyone - all at the same time, until you blow up and get rid of this decrepit world's chains.
Today is one of those days...