Saturday, 9 October 2010

Winter portrait

Winter is lovely!
You can simply feel yourself invaded by the warmth of the blankets, the fireplace, the arms of your boyfriend... and feel the contrast between your inner heat and the outer cold, whispered by the wind... It's priceless!
However, if you, just like me, adore to believe you're insane, there's also a wonderful and magnificent world of wilderness waiting for you on Winter... Dance in the rain. Go outside for a run in the middle of that terrible storm. Feel your hair soaping, the water invading all your pores... Feel the cold wind, the unstoppable rain... Connect with those forces of Nature. Just... feel Winter. In the end, those are the moments you'll want to replay. The ones when you're free and simply... you.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Amazing little breaks

This weekend I've escaped from the boring school routine and came to Algarve to cuddle at my second home. I'm kind of sick, so I feel I haven't enjoyed this weekend at it's most, but whatever. I still have many wonderful moments to remember :D
I think that traveling, in general, makes you look at your routine and your life from another perspective. Little things on people's brain have to change when they experience new things, see new places and meet new people, non?
There's also the boredom-breaking part, obviously. Taking only two days off can make you feel completely fresh and ready to restart. It all depends on how you spend them...
I know I've spent mine wisely. There's simply an inner comfort as I leave this place that proves nothing can be wrong. It's just like... home! I can only think of that word to describe it... ;)

Well, my brain cells are too sleepy and unfocused to write much more than this, so... I guess that's it.
