Monday, 27 September 2010

If it is not too absurd to post about one's inability to post, I'll tell you I'm preparing a post about feeling at home, comfortable and accepted, and it isn't going very well (maybe because I'm still too attached to the subject and all those emotions are kind of disturbing my writing. Or maybe just because it's a bad writing day). The truth is that I'm not comfortable enough writing it, it's requiring too much effort. Obviously, posting requires some effort... but I think that, if it is too planned and words are chosen too carefully, it looses it's harmony and flow.
So... I'll just wait until I'm ready to write it and then, obviously, I'll share it with you :D

(If you thought it was too absurd to post about one's inability to post, my apologies...)

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Adorable little quote I've just found

Can we «cry» in a foreign language?

Today I'm exposing my inner self to the influences of my English book's texts and meditate a bit on something José Saramago (Portuguese Nobel Prize winner who died this Summer) said: that Portuguese people could do business in English, surf the net in English, watch movies in English, but that "we cry in Portuguese".

Is it really true? Isn't it possible to adopt something from the outside (not only a language but a belief, a teaching, anything) and make it 100% our own? Or is it impossible to change who we are at such a deep level?

Comments and suggestions are accepted. This time I'm looking for a debate, not a monologue.

Friday, 17 September 2010

First weekend of the school year - school updates

The 12th grade looks like what I expected of it. We don't spend as much time at school as we did the last two years, our schedule is wonderful (yup, three free afternoons and one free morning :D) and there is another feeling in the air. Sometimes classes look lighter and softer (probably because we were given the opportunity to choose two of our subjects and, therefore, eliminated the ones we truly hated - in my case Philosophy and Physics) but, once you take a closer look, you realize that's not exactly true - the few and pleasant classes we do have are, at their most, quite hard and require a lot of work. However, when you like what you're doing, everything becomes a lot easier.
In the overall, I think I can say I'm pretty happy with the school year that's just begun. There were some losses here and there, but the final result has to be positive.

I wish to those of you who are students a wonderful beginning of another year ;)


Monday, 13 September 2010


So much happening today!
My amazing first day of school this year, the VMAs, Jared Leto on TT on Twitter :D
We really live in a complex world...
Hope you had a day as great as mine. Or better.
I don't have much of a mental availability to write something deep and interesting, so let's stick with the essential and superfluous...


Sunday, 12 September 2010

One of my greatest anguishes as a blogger... that MOST OF THE PEOPLE DON'T RATE NOR COMMENT my (not that) wonderful, amazing, adorable posts. You don't even need to write anything, selecting «interesting», «funny», «boring» or «TERRIBLE!» would be enough for me...
Please... It is frustrating to write something and know nothing about people's reaction to it. You know I adore you all, but you're killing me with this...
Seriously, guys!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Human losses (the 9/11-related one)

As I am inspired and thought of the 9/11 while writing my previous post, I would like to leave some kind of tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack to the World Trade Center, as I think it was an unnecessary act that lead to the loss of many human lives.
A human life is always a human life, with all the potential it means. How to know which ones of us will change the future? Which woman will be the mother, grandmother, aunt or whatever of some crazy scientist that will build us houses on the moon? Which man is going to donate his money to some institution and help finding the cure for cancer? Human lives are human lives - for better and worse.
We may think some of them are better than others, but, in generic terms, they are not. The truly good, inspiring humans have no boundaries or limits set for themselves - they are just alive, therefor able to fulfill their dreams. We shouldn't take that away from them just like that.


Human losses (not 9/11-related)

People, as everything else in our lives, come and go - and there's not much we can do about it. We all have lost someone, even if it's only one friend. And I don't mean only the beloved ones who die. I mean everyone that was a part of our life and was somewhere left behind.

There are always human losses in the course of a lifetime but... we accept it. People have their lives, their dreams, their goals and their attitudes - we have ours. There aren't fairytales with the «happily ever after» end (and that makes me wonder of what could possibly be the secret for a truly happy marriage...) - only a longer or shorter moment in time where the meeting of two different human beings was something so beautiful and astonishing for both that they wish they could have frozen time and space right there and replay it eternally. And people know it. They know passion usually dies, they know there are reasons not to believe in love, they know they never should say never... And I'm glad no one takes it too seriously!

Just to finish, the world is a changing place - it's not only industry and technology that've changed through the course of History, but also humans themselves changing through the course of their lives. It is called growing up, evolving into something better - and, believe me, it IS a good thing, no matter how much it may hurt.
Nothing is certain and eternal around here, so, either people change together or change separates what seconds ago seemed so firmly hold by something that, in the end, was as ephemeral as ourselves.

Post dedicated to the wonderful someone(s) I've lost through my life. You are missed.


Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Like my new blog design?

I've changed my blog's design yesterday... For those of you who have met millou's with a black background: do you like the changes I've made?

Monday, 6 September 2010

Vera Mesmer

Guess my previous post wasn't my last one on holidays. I came here to tell you about a band I've discovered this Summer - Vera Mesmer.

I honestly think they're great. They have developed a style of their own, that I had never seen on any other artists before them. Take a close look and you'll see the complexity of their art. I think it's just beautiful. Unique. Amazing!

This unique style I talk about is also reflected on their music. The lyrics are deep and sentimental without being depressive and the sound is certainly sophisticated (you wouldn't expect any other thing after looking at their photo, right?), mixing guitars with pianos, violins (I think there are actually violins somewhere in "You and I"... Or am I hallucinating?) and obviously many more instruments that my awful hearing can't catch. I leave you with another photo and some links that I strongly suggest you follow for more info about Vera Mesmer.

Click to listen to their songs on myspace.

Click to visit Vera Mesmer webpage.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Preparing the new school year...

Hey there, bloggers! This may very well be my last post on holidays...
If, some weeks ago, I had any doubt about it, I'm now sure that I wish I could have two to three more weeks for myself before school starts. However, now that I feel it starting (I've started studying, I already know what my class is, ...), I'm kind of happy to return to this routine. Well, this year will be a lot different on what comes to my independence (yes, that's one of the reasons why I wrote this post), but it's still a school year. Still the tests (and the exams...!), still the classes, the books, the backpacks, the late works, finished on the night before delivery... Still the lunch breaks under the sunlight. Still the crap cafeteria food. Still the bureaucracies. The slow, inefficient employees. Still the screams of the teachers. The crowded girls restroom. The beloved friends. Still the nerds, the goths, the geeks, and the ditchers. Still and always school.
In good times and in bad, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until college do us part.
